When You Hear the Crash in Livonia: What to Do After an Accident
July 26, 2016
Motorists in North America drive about 3 trillion miles/4.8 trillion kilometers every year. There are over 250+ million licensed drivers, and approximately 6.2 million accidents happen every year. Unfortunately, if we're going to drive vehicles, there are going to be accidents. Knowing what to do... More

Check Engine Light Diagnosis at Elite Tire And Auto Care
July 19, 2016
Hello Livonia . Have you ever had your Check Engine light come on? Did you panic? Or just scowl and ignore it? What should you do? Pull to the side of the road and call a tow truck? Or just keep driving? What does that little light really mean for Livonia drivers?First of all, the Check Engine o... More

New Life for Your Older Car in Livonia
July 12, 2016
Isn't it amazing how much of our stuff is disposable these days? Clothes, electronics, housewares, furniture.Remember the days when Livonia families mended their clothes, polished their shoes and neatly put away their toys every night? If something was lost or ruined through neglect, your parents... More

Drive Defensively in Michigan
July 5, 2016
Car care is part of auto safety in Livonia. But the most important thing we can do to improve safety on Michigan roads is to drive safely.Defensive driving begins with the proper attitude. Have in mind that you won't let anyone take your safety away from you. You'll be aware of your surrounding... More